Thursday 22 December 2011

How to Choose Party Tent

If you are planning for an outdoor party, you will be happy to know that today lots of party tents are available is various qualities, features and styles. Tents’ designs are ranges in the market from single-person accommodation to huge cabin for party people. You can also find frame tents which come with multiple partitions and are ready to be furnished. It’s essential to choose one that really meets the requirements of your party. Otherwise, it would be a disaster. You party can be more enjoyable if you choose right kind of party tent. Here are few tips which will help you to buy perfect party tent.

Select a suitable party tent: Canopy should be a perfect idea for outside barbecue party in a great weather. But if you expect heavy rain or strong wind, you should think about a screen house. Screen house is an excellent choice in case of big insect’s problems because it provides good protection when its doors are kept close most of the time. If you want you can opt for both options a canopy as well as a screen house. Otherwise, pick a party tent / telt that can be both, according to your needs and specifications.

Determine the right size of the tent: Choosing a right size is very important because you don’t want some of your guests to stay outside due to lack of space, even if they would like to join under the canopy or inside the screen house. Buy or hire [Norwegian word: utleie telt] a partytelt that is large enough to provide accommodation to all your guests. In case, you don’t find one that’s big enough, you can buy two. Buying is always a better option then renting a tent. They can be set up easily side by side.

Think about the setup requirements: If you are only two, do not opt for party tents that need ten people to set it up. Before buying make sure you can easily set up your party tent with the number of people you have. If it is easier and quicker to set up, you can get more time for other party preparations. Also ensure that you can set up your party tent at the place you plan to do it. These days free standing party tents are available in the market, you can setup them anywhere, either on grass or roadway. A tent that needs staking is good for your lawn, but out for your cemented yard. 

Friday 16 December 2011

Portable Garage Pro (3,6 x 6 x 2,7 m)

Portable garage pro (3,6 x 6 x 2,7 m) is the most suitable and strongest shelter for many purposes such as storage for cars, boats, bikes, garden tools, machines and such others belongings. They are very comfortable to fix because of which you can be able to have some extra spaces outside your home. These pop up tents are available in many exotic and eco friendly colors but the dark green and silver color are the most popular and best marquee for sale. Portable garage pro (3,6 x 6 x 2,7 m) is available in designs which is ideal for cars, boats and other essential. You can use them to put your essential tools which are too big to keep at home.

Portable garages for sale

All the models of portable garages for sale are made from Galvanized steel tubes and the construction of the tarpaulin is made of 300 g/m2 PE or Polyethylene material and builds up of a 3- layer construction coated on both the sides. They also include stake pegs that attach the ground bar frame to the ground to secure the shelter against the portable garage shelters from strong wind. And the most important nature of these tents is that the tarpaulin has a dirt skirt on the both sides which protects the shelter against cross wind. The dirt skirt must be dug into the soil or covered by high quality and heavy stones or such other materials. These tent [Norwegian word: telt] can also be mounted on concrete foundation by using expansion bolts, if requires.

Portable garage tents are toughest

These models of portable garage for sale is produced with a UV resistant
tarpaulin which makes them long lasting, gives them good protection of the things stored in the shelter. For such reasons these tents are being able to make them the most reliable portable garage tent (It is generally referred as garasje telt in Norwegian language). Most of the designs have two doors, one in the front and another in back. And the ideal sizes of the doors are 2x3,6 m (H x W). Portable garages pro (3,6 x 6 x 2,7 m) are some of the toughest tents available in the market.